A Few Words Regarding Intraocular Lens Power Calculations

Although the techniques we use to measure the eye and calculate IOL powers are state of the art, they are not perfect.  We make every effort to ensure that our patients’ refractive results are as intended.  Because of some inherent limitations of these technologies, a small percentage of patients may have an unpredictable outcome after surgery, especially in patients who have had prior refractive surgery such as RK, LASIK, or PRK.  A way to think of this is to imagine that some patients may under- or over-respond to surgery, despite our computer calculations and measurements prior to surgery.  Although these are not common, under or over responses to surgery are a statistical inevitability and the possibility that you may be one of these over or under responders must be taken into account as you consider surgery.

Regardless of the option you choose for rehabilitating your vision after cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange, understand that further surgery such as PRK, LASIK, and/or intraocular lens exchange may be required to fine tune your vision afterwards.  

728 E. 67th Street,
Savannah, GA 31405
Phone: (912) 352-3120